White Pullets and Broilers






Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. The gene for yellow skin was introduced into domestic birds through hybridization with the grey junglefowl (G. sonneratii). Modern crosses are best for meat production because they lack the typical hair which many breeds have that necessitates singeing after plucking. Both male and female broilers are reared for their meat. Most commercial broilers reach slaughter-weight at around five to seven weeks of age but slower growing breeds reach slaughter-weight approximately at 14 weeks of age. Females over a year old are known as hens and younger females as pullets although in the egg-laying industry, a pullet becomes a hen when she begins to lay eggs at 16 to 24 weeks of age. Broiler chickens are farmed for meat and usually live till 6 years of age but reach consumption age at 6 weeks.

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