Khaki Campbell Ducks

male Khaki Campbell layer duck










The Khaki Campbell Duck is a domesticated breed of ducks that originated in England and is known for its high egg production. The breed was developed by Mrs. Adel Campbell at the turn of the 20th century. The “Campbell Duck” was first introduced in 1898 and with further refined crossbreeding produced the ‘Khaki’ variety that was introduced in 1901. Khaki Campbell is a cross between Mallard, Rouen and Runner ducks. The Khaki Campbell Ducks reach maturity at approximately 7 months and at adulthood Campbells weigh approximately 3-5 pounds. They come in three color varieties: khaki, dark and white. The Khaki Campbell adult male is mostly khaki colored with a darker head, usually olive green, without the white ring of its Mallard ancestry. The egg production of the Campbell breed can even exceed the best domestic chickens, with the breed being able to lay an average of 325 eggs a year.

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